Sunday, March 23, 2014


I was feeling a little bit under the weather on Friday and my son knew it before I dropped him off at school.  When I picked him up later in the day, he asked if I was feeling any better, and I told him, just a bit.  After eating a snack, he told me he was going to be in his room and I was to rest on the couch.  I decided that it was a good idea until I was ready to begin cooking dinner.  About 20 minutes later, he came into the living room with a handmade get well card and his fleece angry bird blanket.  He handed me the card and covered me with his blanket.  It put a smile on my face and made me feel like the luckiest mom ever.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Working Mom

There's one thing I look forward to at the end of a workday - getting home to my son.  Family and bonding means a lot to me.  After school, we have a snack, he gets his homework done, and then it's mother and son time. Sometimes we play board games, other times he reads books to me.  We went to see The Lego Movie together and he was so happy.  And, nothing makes me happier than seeing a smile on him.

Monday, March 10, 2014

An Award for Good Behavior

I attended a ceremony for my son's school last week.  For his grade, he was the one who received an award and I couldn't have been happier!  His teacher wrote such great things about him - he's polite and trustworthy, if he was absent the day before he always asks for the missing assignments, and is a great student.  It's moments like that which make me so proud.  I can't wait to see what young man he grows up to be.